Weekly Report

It was another great week on the Thurso with 138 fish caught by our anglers, it was also a week which saw some of those big males coming on the take with four in the 20-pound plus range.

Heavy rain during the early hours of Tuesday morning gave us a rising river most of the day, peaking late in the evening at 19 inches. Further periods of heavy rain above Loch More throughout Tuesday and Wednesday finally topped Loch More up for the first time since April. Along with a cold wind from the north and a night frosts it certainly had an autumnal feel.

Bobby Bryans and Paul Smith excelled as usual with 20, brothers Andy and Neil Hind landed 24, Mel Campbell picked up 8, as did Lawrence Dalgleish. Francis Milner from Canada had 6 for his week.
Phil Richmond and his team had an outstanding day on Saturday with 22 from beat 4 taking their weekly tally to 34, with Charles Mylchreest, Neil Richmond and Ken Huggett all putting their share to the tally. Titch Turner had 6 to his rod. Tony Jennings, Steve Stranks, Steve Rigby, Les Owen and John Waggott all adding to the total.


Nikki Waggott with her first salmon


We had three anglers this week that caught their first ever Salmon. Andrew Whitening caught one from beat 6, Marko Lurz with a 9-pounder from Loch Beg. And last but certainly not least was Nikki Waggott, who caught her first Salmon from Loch Beg and followed it up with a further two later in the week.

With the final week of the season upon us expectations are high, Loch More is full, the weather is generally colder and the fish are being more responsive to our angler's flies, if only we had decent water levels a few months ago one could only imagine how many more fish would have been caught up to now.

For one final time this season. Tight lines next week.