River Thurso

Welcome to River Thurso

26 miles of prime atlantic salmon fishing in one of Scotlands most remote and tranquil fishing rivers.

River Thurso

Latest Catch Statistics

Check out the latest catches from our beats below. Catch information is updated daily.

The 2024 fishing season for the River Thurso is now complete. Real time catch statistics will be available when we open back on January 2025 for the start of the new fishing season. In the meantime feel free to review the catch reports from 2024 and come back for news updates prior to the new season commencing.

About Us

The River Thurso is one of the best salmon rivers in Scotland, and is currently enjoying very good numbers of grilse and salmon, Outwith drought years with catches average in excess of 1700 Salmon per year. The season starts on the 11th Jauary and runs through to 5th October, although fish are taken in January and February, the season really starts to get underway in the middle of March when the spring run starts. The spring run peaks in May but continues through to Mid June. The grilse start to arrive in late May with the peak of the run in late July/ early August. In September there is a small run of larger summer salmon.

Our Dashboard

River At a Glance

Latest Information on the River Thurso

Latest Weekly Report
06 October 2024
Latest Prospects Report
27 September 2024
Latest Blog Article
23 September 2024
Loch More Webcam
Latest Loch More Snapshot
Latest Catch Report
05 October 2024
SEPA River Info
Latest SEPA Info
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