Sunrise on Upper Tormsdale

Weekly Report

The bright overhead conditions from the previous week continued for the first couple of days of this week. Heavy rain on Wednesday night produced a small lift in levels, but perhaps more importantly it helped to lower water temperatures. The combination of both certainly had an effect with larger numbers of fresh fish once again moving through the system.

Lee and Rhian Pilkington had a good week with five fresh fish between 7 and 10lbs, three for Rhian and two for Lee, John Brownlie landed one of 10lb from the lower bridge on beat 13 and Andy Murray (not the tennis player) landed a liced fish of around 9lbs from the Mill stream on beat 9. And Peter Bowling had a brace of springers from beat 3 on Saturday weighing in at 13 and 10lbs.

We are now starting to see a few grilse and although one hasn't been caught yet despite a few close calls it shouldn't be too long before the first one of the season is landed.

Tight lines next week.