Mill stream (beat 8)

Weekly Report

The new week started with heavy persistent rainfall, this left the river rising and unsettled into Monday evening and Tuesday morning, more substantial rainfall throughout Tuesday and Wednesday pushed levels up further with loch More spilling over by Wednesday evening.  Despite the unsettled water conditions during the first three days the fish within the river certainly seemed to switch on and with 126 fish it is one of our best weeks of the season.

Looking back on the catches this week it was encouraging to see all beats producing multiple fish and in particular the slower middle river beats such as five and seven which are not always the easiest when conditions are unfavourable, but it goes to show just how many fish hold up in these deep slow pools which are valuable sanctuaries during droughts. 

Richard Medley and his team of 9 rods had a great week with 38 fish, Will Robinson, Tom Howard and Phillip Howard had an outstanding day on beat 4 sharing 12 between them, Nancy and Peter Nicholas had 2 each for their three day visit, Calum Cheape and Ken Debney caught their fair including a 20-pounder each. Mike Sturgeon had five in three days, Mark Newton had 8 to his rod, Rachel Wardell, Nick Knight, Ed McLellan, Basil Tower, John Gordon and Arthur Muirhead all adding to the weeks total.

We now have more than enough water to see out the rest of the season, we should have some great sport over the remaining 10 fishing days left of the season.

Tight lines next week.