Weekly Report

Another good week comes to an end on the Thurso with 59 salmon and grilse caught by our anglers. Had it not been for the difficult overhead condition during the second half of the week we would have had many more.
It was good to finally see some grilse in about the catches this week and to say they are in good condition would be an understatement, they have been chunky and extremely feisty, often putting up a fight worthy of a fish double the size. We should now see their numbers increase as we move towards the end of June and into July.


Chris Kelly got the week up and running with a solid 13-pounder from beat 6, Chris would add another three to his tally. Geoff Baines and Steve Horn shared ten between them, Rupert Brankin-Frisby had four, Guy Newell had two 16-pounders on consecutive days and Matthew Davidson had a brace from beat 9.
Peter Hatherell and Barry Griffin had three each. Pelham Aldrich Blake, Janey Lyons, Charles Lowe and Clint Bradley all picked up a fish each.


A chunky grilse for Keith Ogden


Keith Ogden had an exceptional week taking eleven fish to his own rod including six in three hours from Beat 2. Pat Quinn caught our largest to date from Beat 9 tipping the scales at 25-pounds. The final mention goes to Olivia Thomson who caught her first Thurso salmon from Beat 9.

Next weeks forecast looks bright and warm at times, but with Loch More full we have plenty of water to see us well into July. With longer daylight hours fishing early mornings and late evenings may prove beneficial.

Tight lines next week.