Sunset on the Mill stream (Beat 2)

Weekly Report

With 23 fish caught for Monday and Tuesday it was looking very much like a 50-plus week, unfortunately the weather had other ideas. Come midweek the wind changed from the cooler northerly direction that has dominated recently to a considerably warmer southerly. This change has seen a substantial lift in air temperatures and an increase in humidity which was reflected in the catches during the second half of the week. Despite a continuous stream of fresh grilse arriving daily the fish have become very reluctant to show interest in our angler flies.

Phillip Pledger hit the ground running on Monday morning with two in an hour from the Mill stream on beat 2, Phillip would catch a further two for his week. Iain Wilson very rarely disappoints and had five to for his short three day visit, Peter Rogers did well taking three to his own rod as did Peter Bowling. Jeremy King had four. John Wood, Gordon Wylie and Geoff Clements all adding a couple to the total. 

Charles Holmes and James Pickering enjoyed their first visit to the Thurso both catching from beats four and two on consecutive days.

With a healthy head of salmon already in the system and good numbers now building up in the estuary it feels like the grilse run this season is looking like one of the better ones. 

The exciting news is that there was some proper rain in the North last night. The river and Loch More are rising which should move fish around and bring new fish in from the sea. 

There is some limited availability on the Thurso this coming week for two or three days. Anyone interested contact. 07734601562

Tight lines next week