Weekly Report

 After a long spell of fine warm weather it came as a bit of a shock to have such a dramatic drop in air temperatures on Monday morning. Heavy showers often mixed with hail were driven in on a brisk north-westerly wind all week, we could easily be forgiven for thinking it was early spring again. 

While we didn't get any meaningful lift in levels, it did help to maintain both the river and Loch More.
The water temperature took a few days to cool down to the same levels as the air and the fish didn't respond particularly well until later in the week. This was evident in the catches with 24 caught during the second half compared to 9 for the first three days.

Johny Harcourt had the first of the week from beat 9, his wife Laura also had one from lower well on beat 10 on a floating bomber of all things, quite remarkable considering how cold it was. Casper Bell had three in two days Including two from beat 5.


Billy Brundson with his 15-pounder from the Braal pool

Billy Brundson picked up three, the best of which was a stunning 15-pounder from the Braal pool on beat 4.  Andrew and Sholto Hunter worked hard all week and were finally rewarded with a fish each on Saturday from beat 4. Mike Hartley was rewarded for his short visit with a sea-liced 11-pounder from the Mill stream on beat 2.


Last but certainly not least we have Kathrin Haltiner who caught her first ever atlantic salmon on Friday. The sea-liced 10-pounder was taken in the cruives eye on beat 10.

The current cold spell looks set to continue into next week with further periods of rain, hopefully we may see a more substantial lift in levels. 

There is some limited spaces available next week for anyone interested while the fishing has been consistently good. Please contact our senior ghillie for more details.


Tight lines next week.