Weekly Report

After many weeks of near misses, some proper rainfall finally landed on the Thurso catchment. Monday nights deluge produced nearly an inch of rain in seven hours. On Tuesday morning the level was running at twenty inches, and unsurprisingly very dirty, thankfully by late afternoon it had cleared enough for the fish to come back on the take. The bulk of the rise was from the tributaries, and although loch More did see a decent lift another solid days rain is required to full it to the top. Had it not been for the bright overheads on Friday and Saturday, we wouldn't have been far away from a hundred-plus week, but with 64, it was our most productive week of the season.

Lee Beverland had a great three days with six fish to his own rod, Dai Gingell and Tim Williams had six between them, Philip Pledger made his fourth visit of the year and was rewarded with four, Callum Cheape, Ken Denbney and Ruth Robinson shared Nine. Trond Folkedal caught his first-ever salmon from Beat 4 and followed it up with a second the following day from Beat 2. Simon Lightfoot had his first Thurso salmon from Beat 4.

Robert Bull and his team of rods had a successful three-day visit, catching nine, Ake Norling had five, including one of 22- pounds from Beat 2, and Harvard Treito picked up a brace from Beat 4. Graham Birnie, Bo Severin, David Priestly and Chris Lightfoot all added to the total.

The lift in Water this week has been very helpful and was much needed, what we could ideally do with is a drop more rain and some autumnal weather, if the the forecast is to be believed this is exactly what is expected for the week ahead.

Tight lines next week.