Weekly Report

Week 27 saw 43 salmon and grilse landed. Returning guest John Goodman managed to find himself in the hot seat on Monday landing 5 fish from beats 3 and 4. Cary Pugh had 2 fish from the Mill stream on beat 2. Josef Dirkmorfield landed 2, John Graham netted a 12lber also from beat 4 and Gerald Dutton also successfully landed a 5lb grilse from the Broken Bank beat 8. 


Ken Debney opened his account on Tuesday morning getting a 6lb grilse from the Hoy before breakfast then getting a 5lb fish later on. His fishing partner Callum Cheape also managed 2 fish at 6 and 16lb on beat 4.  Callum also added 3 more to his total on beat 2 the following day. Mike Stanton got his week started with a 7lb fish from Lower Lairdie on beat 8. He would then go on to add a 3 more to his total for the week. 

The water heights favored the lower beats and most enjoyed sport from the fresh run grilse. However some fish pushed through to the top with Ken Debney landing a 4lb grilse on beat 13 (on his 80th birthday!) and Wesley Poole also landed one below the dam at the end of the week. John Graham managed to get one from Loch Beg and one from the Hay Pool, beat 12, as well. 


Over the last few days of the week Tom Armstrong managed to get two fish to the net at 4 and 5lbs from beat 3, Graham Stanton finally slipped one into the net on the Mill Stream in beat 2 and Nikki Hunt rounded her week off with a grilse on beat 3.