Weekly Report

The final week of the season proved a very rewarding one for our anglers with 191 fish caught, bringing the grand total to 1106 for the 2024 season. An increase of 102 compared to 2023.

When we consider the lack of any proper floods since March it is quite remarkable how many fish entered the river throughout the season on the small lifts in river levels. It really shows what lurks away during the summer months in the slow deep canal stretches waiting for the right conditions to continue on their upstream migration. It is such a pity we didn't get a good spate during the summer.


A cold foggy start to the day


Andrew Rettie and his team had great week with 27 between them, John and Jan Drummond shared 22, Ken McGeorge picked up 8, Iain Wilson had 4, the two Johns, (Goodman and Graham) visiting the Thurso for the third time this season caught their fair share, Gordon Sim had 11 including two in the low twenties from beat four.  Mike Leach and his team had a week to remember with over 60 fish

We also had some new visitors who manged to pick up their first Thurso fish this week. Tobias Busch picked had 2 on Saturday from beat four, Johnathan Wotherspoon with a grilse from beat seven, James Jackson with a 6-pounder from beat nine and Tim Kirkwood landed a 15-pounder from beat 11. 


The sun sets on another season

And on to one of the river Thurso's stalwarts, Dr Mike Leach. Mike has caught countless fish from the river over many years, but this week was extraordinary. First had a 27-pounder from the Braal pool beat four, and if that wasn't quite big enough then he managed a 30-pounder the following day from the Stone pool on beat two measuring at 44 inches long. What an memorable week for Mike. 


Mike Leach's 30-pounder next to a 15ft rod

While it is not always easy to handle larger salmon, particularly when fishing alone great care should be practiced when possible. The less time they spend out the water the higher the chances of their survival.   


An aggressive 18-pound cock fish 


Finally a word to all the anglers who visited the Thurso this year. Well done and thank you for all the support and kind messages throughout the season. A huge thank to Jess and her hard working team at the Ulbster Arms Hotel, and to all the ghilles whose tireless efforts, wit and banter are a huge part of making the River Thurso such a special place. Only 97 days to go before it all starts again!