Weekly Report

With the weather remaining settled it was only a matter of time before the first spring salmon of the 2023 season was caught and on Tuesday afternoon well-known local businessman Jock Campbell got his reward from the cruives eye on beat 10 landing a fresh fish of approximately 11 pounds,  and in doing so put a fish in the book for February.



Jock, who celebrated his 80th birthday in January was not only delighted at catching the first of the season but he got a chance to test out his new rod, reel and line gifted to him from family and friends for his birthday. The magic fly was a 1-inch Willie Gunn brass tube tied by retired ghillie and expert fly tier Pat Nicol. 

With the first fish caught the general feeling was that a second of the season wouldn't be far behind but this would not be the case. A further 3 would be hooked and lost before the end of the week. So hopes are high for next week, unfortunately the early forecast is predicting an arctic freeze for the entire week with snow and temperatures well below freezing. 

Tight lines next week.